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Let's Embrace Winter Together!

Cross-Country Ski & Snowshoe day trips

IMPORTANT: XC does not offer drive up options for lessons - everyone must take the bus. To participate in our trips and lessons/guided snowshoeing, you must be a member. Find out more information about membership here

HPSC general policy on running trips: We generally err on the side of running trips rather than not, if enough people want to go. We will cancel trips 24 hours in advance if there's a big risk of trail/resort closure, major weather warnings (huge rainfall, high winds, blizzards), or it is rock skiing conditions (meaning there are enough dirt patches and thin spots that old skis should be used). But with decent snow cover and standard "marginal" conditions (see below), we will go. We do our best to keep you informed of what we think the conditions will be, but we can only work with the information at the time. If you decide after the cancellation deadline that conditions are not for you, you can decide not to come, but we have a clear policy that you will still be charged the bus fee.

What are "marginal" conditions? You may also hear people refer to this as "early/late season conditions" or "spring skiing" because these conditions are most common at the start of the season (as snow builds up) and end of the season (as temperatures get warmer). This can also happen in the middle of the season with warm spells and we expect to see if more often as climate change means rising average winter temperatures (meaning more rain) and more extreme temperature shifts between warm and cold spells. Conditions can be variable, especially if temps are warm during the day and below zero at night - it is often harder packed or icy in the morning and then softens up as the temperatures rise, even getting slushy if it's warm and sunny. There may be some thin spots, but they can be easily avoided. Some people decide they don't like these conditions; others love to get out on the trails no matter what. Figure out who you are (this may require some experimenting on trips!), know our policies, and make your decisions accordingly.



Our schedule is available here. Locations are subject to change due to weather, illness, and other circumstances outside our control. This schedule is what we hope happens! Then nature dictates.

Registration Overview

Deadlines: Registration closes at 6:00 pm on the Wednesday before each trip. Sometimes it will stay open later if we know we are running the trip, but the bus isn't full. If the trip sells out early, join the waitlist and you may be moved on the trip if there are cancellations (see below). To cancel a trip, you must email by the Tuesday at 8pm prior to the trip. Do not respond to the confirmation email. See our cancellation policies and procedures for more information.

Registration Modules: As trip modules are created, they will appear in the calendar below (which you can change to list view if you wish). The date and time the trips open for registration is on the module trip descriptions.The registration button will only appear once the trip is open for registration. If you don't see it, either the trip is not yet open, the registration deadline has passed, or the trip is full. Anything out of the ordinary will be noted on the trip description.

Waitlists: Once a trip is full, we will enable the waitlist. Many members get on trips through the waitlist as there are always cancellations. Click "join waitlist" and you will register just like you would normally (choosing your trail pass, lesson, rental, bus options), but you won't pay. Once you are moved onto the trip from the waitlist, you will automatically be sent an email instructing you to pay. If you do not promptly pay, we will remind you and then give your spot to the next person on the waitlist. Keep a close eye on your email if you are on the waitlist.To pay, you need to log in to the website and then you will see a notification for the invoice in the lower right hand corner. If you want to be removed from the waitlist, email so we can more quickly get people on trips. 

Another advantage of the waitlist is that we can gauge if there is enough interest to add a second bus (if the resort allows it).

Walk-ons: If you miss the deadline and there are still spots available on the bus, we may allow "walk ons." Members can get on the bus without registering and we invoice you after. There is a $10 fee unless otherwise indicated. Check the status page to see if walk ons are allowed, at what stops, if there is a walk on fee, and any other details about it (you need to be logged in). The status page is updated by Friday at 12pm.

"Bring a friend" trips (i.e., guests): Guests are allowed on limited trips, usually at the end of the season when there is more space on the bus. Guests must know someone on the trip who registers them and is responsible for them. There is a $20 guest fee. There are detailed instructions on the registration module and in the FAQ on how to register guests (if allowed on that trip). Guests are only allowed on the bus (no drive ups), must be registered in advance (no walk ons) and MUST sign the waiver. Your guest must print the waiver, sign it, and bring is on the bus. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Information about the trip - facilities available at the resort, pick up locations and times etc. - are sent by email to participants and put on the trip status page by Friday at 12pm. Please do not email asking for these details prior to that time - we are busy getting organized!

    Registration Instructions

    1. Sign in to your account.  
    2. Find the trip you want in the calendar below. (You can also switch to list view - see the top right hand corner). There are two modules for every trip - one for bus participants and one for drive ups who wish to take lessons. Choose the one applicable to you.
    3. Read the trip description! Make sure you are ok with the trip as laid out before you register.
    4. Click "Register". The register button will only appear once the trip is open for registration. If you don't see it, either the trip is not yet open, the trip is full, or it is past the registration deadline.
    5. Register for the trip. Bus participants will pay for the bus, trail pass, and rentals (if needed) using your credit card, and answer questions about your pick-up location and lessons. Drive up participants will only sign up for lessons. You must pay for your own trail pass and rentals at the resort.
    6. You will receive an email confirmation with your registration. This email is for informational purposes only. DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL - no one will receive it. 

    Note: if you don't log in first, find the trip you want below, click register, and then you will have to provide the email you used when you registered for the club (if you use another one, you will not be able to successfully register). Then you may proceed with registration. 

    Click here for a PDF step-by-step guide with screenshots of the registration process.

    Month: July 2024

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